Beehiiv's Unique Value Proposition

In depth value proposition case study of Beehiiv

Top Takeaways for Product Managers

  • Focus solves a big problem: Niche markets with specific needs offer fertile ground for innovative solutions.

  • Frictionless User Experience is king: Prioritize a user-friendly interface to keep users engaged from day one.

  • Data drives decisions: Use analytics to understand user behavior and optimize features for maximum impact.

  • Community fosters loyalty: Build a community around your product to keep users motivated and invested.

  • Think beyond features: Provide value beyond the core functionality to become a true partner for your users.

Good day 👋!

We’re talking about Beehiiv today.

For those of you who don’t know, Beehiiv is a newsletter hosting platform for newsletter businesses, email marketers, and anyone who wants to leverage email for anything.

If you’re interested in building a newsletter but don’t know how or where to start, check out our Newsletter Mastery course by Angad.

This course will teach everything on creating, designing, and growing your newsletter 🚀!

Product Monk is also hosted on Beehiiv.

That reminds me that I should tell you why I chose to talk about Beehiiv today.

Well, obviously because I am using it every day. Also because it has really made it simpler to send emails. There’s a huge contribution of Beehiiv that makes me write to you regularly - LOL!

Okay, no, this post is not sponsored by Beehiiv!

It’s from my personal experience - purely.

Okay…time to talk business, shall we?

How was Beehiiv Founded?

You know how some amazing ideas come from people who've already been there, done that? That's kind of the story behind Beehiiv.

The folks who started it, Benjamin Hargett and Jake Hurd, were actually part of the team that built the super-successful newsletter at Morning Brew 🤯. They saw the power of a connected audience, but also the hard work it took to get there.

Fast forward to late 2020, and they reconnected with Tyler Denk. Together, they were all frustrated with the clunky email marketing tools out there.

Building beautiful newsletters felt like solving a Rubik's Cube, and the analytics weren't exactly telling the whole story.

That's when the idea for Beehiiv buzzed to life.

They wanted to create a platform specifically for newsletters, making it easy for creators to build and engage their audience. Think drag-and-drop editing for stunning layouts and deep analytics that give you real insights.

Beehiiv launched in 2021 with Tyler as CEO, Benjamin as CTO, and Jake on the engineering team. (By the way, there was another amazing CTO named Andrew Platkin who played a huge role in the early days. Sadly, he passed away in April 2022, but his contributions are definitely remembered.)

Andrew Platkin, ex-CTO of Beehiiv

You can read that sad story here on Beehiiv’s Blog.

Beehiiv’s Target Audience

Beehiiv's target audience can be broken down into a few key groups, all of whom share a common goal: building and engaging an email list for their content. Here's a detailed breakdown:

1. Content Creators

This is the broadest category and encompasses anyone who creates content and wants to connect with their audience directly through email. This could include:

  • Bloggers: Beehiiv is a great fit for bloggers wanting to share new posts, updates, and exclusive content with their subscribers.

  • YouTubers: Creators can use Beehiiv to send personalized newsletters with behind-the-scenes content, early access to videos, or community updates.

  • Podcasters: Similar to YouTubers, podcasters can leverage Beehiiv to keep listeners engaged between episodes with bonus content, interview transcripts, or exclusive Q&A sessions.

  • Writers and journalists: Authors and journalists can use Beehiiv to promote new work, share excerpts, or offer subscriber-only content like short stories or in-depth analysis.

  • Freelancers and consultants: Beehiiv can be a valuable tool for freelancers and consultants to stay connected with clients, share industry insights, and promote their services.

2. Niche Publishers

This group focuses on specific topics or industries and uses email marketing to cultivate a loyal audience. Examples include:

  • Finance newsletters: Beehiiv is ideal for sending regular investment tips, market updates, and exclusive financial analysis. Eg: Milk Road, Money Stuff, Finimize etc.

  • Tech news publishers: They can use Beehiiv to curate the latest tech news, share gadget reviews, and offer early access to product launches. Eg: TechCrunch, Fully Charged by Bloomberg, Bizarro Devs etc.

  • Fitness and wellness enthusiasts: Beehiiv allows fitness coaches and wellness experts to send workout routines, healthy recipe ideas, and motivational content directly to subscribers. Eg: Oxygen, The Tonic, The Lady Magazine etc.

3. Solopreneurs and Small Businesses

Beehiiv is a cost-effective solution for solopreneurs and small businesses to connect with customers and promote their products or services.

Problems Solved by Beehiiv

Beehiiv addresses several pain points for content creators and publishers who use email marketing:

  • Complexity: Building beautiful and engaging newsletters can be time-consuming and require coding knowledge on other platforms.

  • Time Management: Managing subscriber lists, segmenting audiences, and analyzing performance can eat into valuable content creation time.

  • Monetization Challenges: Finding effective ways to monetize a newsletter audience can be difficult.

Market Landscape

Email marketing, including newsletters, boasts a high return on investment (ROI). Studies by Salesforce, suggest an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent on email marketing.

How Does Beehiiv Stand Out from the Competition?

Imagine you're juggling a ton of things: creating content, building an audience, and maybe even making some money from it all. That's the life of a content creator, and Beehiiv gets it.

They don't try to be a one-size-fits-all email platform. Instead, they focus on the specific needs of newsletter creators with some pretty impressive features.

Let's break it down:

  • Made for Newsletters: 

    Source: Beehiiv Blog

    Forget generic email marketing tools. Beehiiv understands the newsletter life. They've got a no-code website editor, easy subscriber management, and powerful analytics that dig deeper than just open rates.

    Creators can see how subscribers actually interact with their emails, what resonates, and what needs tweaking.

  • Fast and Easy Launch: 

    Time is precious, especially for busy creators. Beehiiv lets them launch a professional-looking newsletter in minutes.

    Source: Beehiiv Product Updates

    They have pre-designed templates that can be customized, pre-built content blocks to save time, and intuitive design tools that anyone can use. No design degree required!

  • Advanced Analytics You Can Actually Use: 

    Beehiiv's analytics go beyond the basics. Their 3D dashboard shows creators how individual subscribers interact with their emails.

    Creators can see what grabs their audience’s attention and what leaves them scrolling. This lets them tailor their content for maximum engagement. Plus, they can analyze performance across different audience segments to see what works best for each group.

  • Built-in Monetization: 

    Beehiiv understands its users’ audience is valuable. That's why they offer a way to turn that value into revenue. Their Ad Network connects creators with relevant brands looking to reach their audience.

    Source: Beehiiv Product Updates

    Users can integrate sponsored content seamlessly into their newsletter and keep the money rolling in. Plus, they have complete control over the ads displayed, so they can choose brands that fit their audience and content.

Beehiiv basically empowers users to focus on what they do best: creating great content. They handle the newsletter creation process, give users valuable insights, and even offer built-in ways to make money. Pretty neat, right?

Market Landscape: Beehiiv vs Substack

Source: Beehiiv

Alright, let's dive into the competitive landscape and compare Beehiiv with Substack, a big player in the newsletter game. This should be helpful for any product manager looking to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Head-to-Head: Beehiiv vs. Substack

While both Beehiiv and Substack cater to content creators building email lists and newsletters, there are some key differences in their approach:


  • Beehiiv: Laser-focus on the newsletter creation process and management. Their features and functionalities are all geared toward building beautiful, engaging newsletters.

  • Substack: Leans more towards a newsletter publishing platform. They offer subscription management and basic analytics, but their core strength lies in content creation and monetization tools.


  • Beehiiv:

    • No-code editing: Easy to use for anyone, regardless of design expertise.

    • Advanced analytics: Goes beyond basic metrics, providing insights into subscriber behavior for better engagement optimization.

    • Built-in monetization: Integrates seamlessly with the Beehiiv Ad Network for direct revenue generation.

  • Substack:

    • Subscription management: Streamlined system for handling paid subscriptions and free tiers.

    • Content creation tools: Offers a writing interface with editing and formatting options.

    • Established brand recognition: Widely known in the creator community.


  • Beehiiv:

    • Limited content creation tools: Focuses primarily on newsletter design and management, not content creation itself.

    • Newer player: Still establishing itself compared to Substack's brand recognition.

  • Substack:

    • Limited design flexibility: Lacks the drag-and-drop editing and advanced design features of Beehiiv.

    • Basic analytics: Doesn't offer the same level of subscriber behavior insights as Beehiiv.

    • Subscription-focused monetization: Primarily caters to a paid subscription model, with limited options for other revenue streams.

Here's an analogy to make it simpler:

Think of Beehiiv as a state-of-the-art design studio specifically built for crafting beautiful and engaging newsletters. Substack is more like a full-fledged publishing house, offering writing tools, subscription management, and basic marketing features.

The Bottom Line:

Beehiiv and Substack aren't direct competitors in the traditional sense.

They cater to different aspects of the content creator workflow. By understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and target audiences, product managers can make informed decisions about future development and solidify their position within the newsletter creation landscape.


Beehiiv buzzes with innovation in the crowded email marketing space. Born from the experience of creators who built a massive newsletter audience, Beehiiv understands the specific needs of this community.

By prioritizing a user-friendly experience, data-driven optimization, and building a community, Beehiiv empowers creators to focus on what they do best: crafting compelling content.

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