Cred: 85% Retention Rate Strategy

Learn how Cred uniquely solves a problem of 1 Crore users!

In the maze-like world of credit card rewards, where points dangle like elusive carrots and late fees lurk like shadowy monsters, one platform has defied the odds. Enter Cred, the Indian unicorn that dared to ask: what if managing your credit cards wasn't a chore, but a rewarding ride in itself?

This case study delves into the mind-blowing story of Cred. It unravels how they transformed a user's biggest credit card pain point—the confusing, cluttered jungle of rewards programs—into a gamified playground of point maximization and financial empowerment. 

Through ingenious features, clever data-driven insights, and a dash of community magic, Cred has shown us that managing your financial life can be not just painless, but downright addictive.

Let’s get going!

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Cred’s Founding Tale

Cred's founding story is woven from the threads of personal experience, entrepreneurial vision, and a knack for spotting hidden opportunities. The key character behind this narrative is Kunal Shah, a serial entrepreneur with a keen eye for financial tech solutions.

Kunal Shah, Courtesy: The Financial Pandora

The Spark of Inspiration

It all began with a simple observation: Kunal, himself a credit card user, noticed the frustration many faced navigating convoluted rewards programs, missing out on valuable points due to hidden terms and forgotten offers.

This realization sparked a fire in his entrepreneurial spirit – could he build a platform that simplified credit card rewards, transforming them from a headache into a delightful experience?

How did Cred Turn into a Reality?

In 2018, that idea materialized as Cred. Initially, a small team fueled by Kunal's vision and backed by his previous entrepreneurial successes (Freecharge, PaisaBack), Cred set out to tackle the complexities of credit card rewards head-on.

Early Days and Rapid Growth

The initial response was phenomenal. The intuitive interface, gamified features, and tangible value proposition resonated with users. Cred's user base skyrocketed, and its success in simplifying rewards management inspired a ripple effect throughout the industry.

Cred’s Unique Solution

So, let’s have a proper look at the pain point again.

The Pain Point: Credit card rewards programs are lucrative, offering points, cashback, and travel perks. However, navigating these programs can be a frustrating puzzle: deciphering confusing rules, remembering to activate offers, and maximizing point usage across multiple cards. Many users felt overwhelmed and often missed out on valuable rewards.

Now, let us see what solutions Cred came up with.

1) Centralized Hub

Courtesy: Cash Overflow

Imagine all your credit cards, once scattered across portals and statements, nestled together in Cred's app. No more frantic app-switching! Cred came in as a command center, offering a birds-eye view of:

  • Points Panorama: See total points across all cards, categorized by program and expiring soonest. Visualize point-hoarding progress like a treasure map, motivating users to maximize every swipe.

  • Spending Snapshot: Grouped spending by category (food, travel, groceries) reveals where the user’s money goes. Identify opportunities to optimize user’s spending and earn targeted rewards.

  • Offer Oasis: No more hunting through endless emails! Cred curates active offers from all your cards, presenting them in a clear, action-oriented list. Find the perfect offer for every purchase, like double points on weekend dining or cashback on movie tickets.


Cred focused on user-friendliness and visual appeal. Offered intuitive dashboards, colorful graphs, and easy-to-digest summaries of points, offers, and spending. Integrated seamlessly with various credit card issuers to automatically pull in data.

2) Automated Optimization


Ditch the spreadsheet, Cred does the math for you. Its smart engine analyzes users’ spending habits and active offers, whispering the best card in their ear for every single transaction. No more missed point opportunities, just effortless maximization with each tap of the card.

Here's how it works:

Data Detective

  • Spending Habits: Cred analyzes users’ past transactions, identifying their regular haunts and typical expenses. It understands your coffee shop addiction, your love for weekend brunches, and your penchant for online shopping sprees.

  • Offer Explorer: It scours the vast landscape of credit card offers, constantly updated with the latest cashback deals, bonus points multipliers, and exclusive partnerships. Think of it as a tireless scout, sniffing out the juiciest rewards opportunities across all your cards.

  • Real-time Matchmaker: Using its smarts, Cred marries your spending habits with active offers to find the perfect match. That coffee shop latte? It knows your travel card offers double points on dining this month, making it the clear winner.

Beyond the Whisper

  • Card Comparison: Not just a one-word whisper, Cred provides a side-by-side comparison of potential cards for each transaction. See the point breakdown, cashback potential, and any relevant terms at a glance, empowering users to make informed decisions.

  • Swipe & Smile: No more post-transaction analysis or missed opportunities. Cred instantly confirms the points earned or cashback received after each swipe, giving them that satisfying feeling of maximizing their rewards with every purchase.

  • Evolving Intelligence: This isn't a one-trick pony. Cred's engine continuously learns and adapts. The more you use it, the better it understands your preferences and spending patterns, tailoring its recommendations for even greater point accumulation over time.

Benefits Beyond Points

  • Time is Money: Forget the mental gymnastics of choosing the right card. Cred saves time and decision fatigue.

  • Financial Awareness: The data insights Cred provides shed light on your spending habits, helping you identify areas for potential savings or optimization. You might discover you're under-utilizing certain cards or spending too much on a particular category.

  • Effortless Optimization: The beauty lies in the simplicity. No manual input, no complex configurations. Just use your cards as usual and let Cred do the heavy lifting, silently maximizing your rewards in the background.


Leverage machine learning and data analysis to personalize recommendations. Partner with credit card issuers to get the most up-to-date offer information. Prioritize transparency by explaining the rationale behind each card suggestion.

3) Smart Reminders

Proactive risk mitigation

Cred serves as a crucial tool in mitigating the risk of missed opportunities, potentially leading to significant financial losses in terms of unclaimed points and bonuses. The value of timely reminders extends beyond emotional comfort, contributing to measurable financial optimization.

Data-driven personalization

Effective reminder systems should be tailored to individual spending patterns and reward portfolio complexities. Cred's approach, if accurately calibrated, can maximize the impact of each notification and minimize annoyance fatigue.

Potential pitfalls

Overenthusiastic nudges can counterproductively overwhelm users. Evaluating user response and engagement with reminders is crucial to balancing effectiveness with user experience.


Employ a combination of push notifications, in-app alerts, and gamified nudges to keep users engaged. Personalize reminder frequency and content based on user preferences and behavior.

4) Reward Redemption Simplified

Streamlined value realization

Frictionless redemption processes reduce cognitive load and encourage timely utilization of reward points, unlocking tangible financial benefits for users. The curated marketplace ensures transparency and user confidence, facilitating informed decision-making.

Strategic partnerships

Carefully chosen reward options can enhance user engagement and brand loyalty. Partnering with high-value merchants and offering exclusive experiences can amplify the perceived value proposition of Cred's platform.

Hidden costs analysis

Scrutinizing reward terms and associated fees is essential. While simplifying the journey, Cred must ensure accurate and transparent cost disclosures to foster responsible financial management among users.


Partner with a wide range of merchants and service providers to offer attractive and diverse rewards. Streamline the redemption process with secure one-click payments and instant confirmation.

5) Gamification and Community

Motivational incentives

Leaderboards and challenges can serve as effective tools for nudging users toward desired financial behaviors, such as increased responsible credit card usage and proactive point utilization.

Community knowledge sharing

Fostering a platform for peer-to-peer support and information exchange empowers users to make informed decisions and optimize their financial strategies, contributing to overall financial literacy and well-being.


Foster a sense of friendly competition and collaboration through points leaderboards, challenges, and community forums. Encourage knowledge sharing and celebrate user achievements.

Key Takeaways for Product Managers

(Cred’s problem identification and unique value proposition)

  1. Nail user pain: Solve a real problem for your audience, like Cred did with managing credit card rewards.

  2. Value first: Make your benefits clear and easy to understand. People want to know what's in it for them.

  3. Data drives decision: Use data to personalize and improve your offering. Get smarter over time.

  4. Frictionless flow: Make things easy and intuitive. No unnecessary steps or complexity.

  5. Fun with finances: Gamification and community keep users engaged and motivated.

  6. Think bigger: Offer more than just the core product. Provide a holistic financial experience.

  7. Partner and play nice: Collaborate with others to expand your reach and offerings.

  8. Never stop evolving: Adapt to changing needs and stay ahead of the curve.

"Fall in love with the problem, not the solution." - Steve Jobs

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