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Grammarly: How AI Attracts 3+ Crore Users Daily

Grammarly leveraged AI to drive success - here's how!

I mean 3 crore users every day is no joke 🤯! I’ve always used Grammarly and never realized how dependent I was on it! If rarely the extension didn't work for some reason, I would realize just how silly a writer I am 😭. I’d make typos in literally every 3-4 words - I know I am too bad!

Honestly, it’s been a life savior for me because I write a lot. If you’ve been to my LinkedIn, I have been a writer my whole life - and still am. Even here as a PM, I write for you guys! So yeah, now you know why I can’t stress enough how important it is to me.

*Start with the case study already 😑*

Grammarly has transcended its origins as a simple grammar checker to become a cornerstone of the modern communication landscape.

This case study delves into the innovative elements that fueled its rise, analyzing the impact of AI, user-centric design, and strategic partnerships.

Grammarly’s Founding Tale

The Plagiarism Problem

The story begins in 2000, at the International Christian University in Ukraine. Alex Shevchenko and Max Lytvyn, computer science students, noticed a worrying trend: rampant plagiarism among their peers. This sparked a conversation - why were students resorting to stolen content? Was it a lack of confidence in their own writing? Was it the difficulty of navigating the complexities of the English language?

My Dropbox and the Seed of an Idea

Max Lytvyn (L), Alex Shevchenko (M), Dmytro Lider (R), Courtesy: South China Morning Post

Determined to address this issue, Alex and Max created "My Dropbox," (Same name, eh? Good.) a tool that detected plagiarism in student essays. While successful, they realized the problem went deeper. People of all ages and backgrounds struggled with effective communication, not just plagiarism.

From Education to Everyday Communication

In 2009, with Dmytro Lider joining the team, they launched Grammarly. Initially targeting students, it offered basic grammar and spelling checks. But they envisioned more. They saw Grammarly as a tool to empower everyone, regardless of their background or expertise, to communicate clearly and confidently.

And the rest, as they say, is history! Okay, but we’re gonna grab some of that history and put it here for you - the AI leveraging part!

Fun Fact ⚡️ 

The name "Grammarly" was almost "Correctly." (Thankfully, they saw the light!)

How Grammarly Leveraged AI for Its Success?

1. Beyond Red Underlines: Understanding the Nuances of Communication

Grammarly's AI doesn't just point out typos and grammatical errors; it delves deeper, analyzing your writing's context, intent, and target audience. This allows it to offer more nuanced and valuable feedback than a simple grammar checker.

This is how the AI behind Grammarly works:

  • Contextual Awareness: 

    Grammarly considers the type of writing you're doing, whether it's a formal business email, a casual social media post, or a creative blog article. This context helps it tailor its suggestions to match the specific requirements of each situation.

  • Intent Recognition: 

    The AI tries to understand the message you're trying to convey and suggests improvements that enhance its clarity and impact. It might suggest rephrasing sentences to be more persuasive, using stronger verbs to convey emotions, or adjusting the tone to be more appropriate for the audience.

  • Audience Understanding: 

    Grammarly considers who you're writing for, whether it's a colleague, a potential client, or a general audience. This helps it suggest language and style choices that resonate with your target audience.

The Impact: User Satisfaction and Retention

This shift from "grammar police" to "communication coach" has a significant impact on user experience:

  • Increased satisfaction: Users feel empowered to improve their communication skills and craft impactful messages, leading to a more positive experience with Grammarly.

  • Improved retention: Users are more likely to stick with Grammarly if they see it as a valuable tool for enhancing their communication, not just correcting minor errors.

  • Enhanced brand perception: Grammarly is seen as a trusted resource for improving communication, leading to a positive brand image and increased user loyalty.

2. Frictionless Integration and User-Centric Design

Grammarly's success can be partly attributed to its seamless integration and user-centric design. Let's delve deeper into how these innovations have empowered users and widened the tool's reach:

Effortless Integration

  • Multiple Platforms: 

    Grammarly exists beyond its website, seamlessly integrating with your existing workflow. It's available as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, ensuring you have access to its suggestions while writing emails, social media posts, or online documents.

  • Desktop App: 

    For those who prefer an offline option, Grammarly offers a dedicated desktop app compatible with Windows and macOS. This allows you to work on documents without an internet connection and still benefit from its feedback.

  • Microsoft Word Integration: 

    Grammarly takes it a step further by integrating directly with Microsoft Word, the go-to writing tool for many professionals and students. This in-app integration provides real-time suggestions as you write, eliminating the need to switch between programs.

User-Friendly Interface

  • Clean and Intuitive Design: Grammarly's interface is designed to be clean and intuitive, regardless of your technical expertise. The layout is well-organized, with clear buttons and menus that are easy to navigate.

  • Visual Cues and Highlights: Grammarly uses color-coded highlights and underlines to visually indicate potential issues, making it easy to identify areas for improvement without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Contextual Explanations: When Grammarly suggests a correction, it also provides a brief explanation of the rule or principle involved. This helps users understand the reasoning behind the suggestion and learn from it.


  • Wider Market Reach: By being available on multiple platforms and integrating seamlessly with popular tools, Grammarly caters to a wider audience, from casual internet users to professionals and students. This expands its reach beyond tech-savvy individuals to users of all backgrounds and skill levels.

  • Increased Accessibility: The user-friendly interface and clear explanations make Grammarly accessible to people with varying levels of technical proficiency.

  • Improved User Adoption and Engagement: The ease of use and seamless integration encourage users to adopt Grammarly into their workflow and actively engage with its suggestions.

3. Grammarly's Ecosystem Play

Grammarly's strategic partnerships extend beyond simple integrations; they cultivate a thriving ecosystem that fuels its growth and amplifies its impact. Let's explore how these partnerships contribute to Grammarly's success:

Expanding Reach

  • Educational Institutions: Collaborations with schools, universities, and online learning platforms introduce Grammarly to students early on, fostering positive brand association and equipping them with valuable writing skills. This not only benefits students but also creates a potential talent pool for future Grammarly users.

  • Businesses: Partnerships with companies across industries integrate Grammarly into their internal communication tools, making it readily available to employees for improved professional writing in emails, reports, and other documents. This expands Grammarly's reach within the corporate world, enhancing brand awareness and driving enterprise adoption.

  • Writing Platforms: Integrations with writing platforms like Medium and ProWritingAid attract freelance writers and content creators, providing them with valuable feedback and solidifying Grammarly's position as a go-to tool for professional writers.

Integrated Communication Tools

Credits: Scaling CRM

  • Seamless Workflow: Partnerships like the one with Microsoft Word showcase Grammarly's ability to integrate seamlessly with existing tools, eliminating the need for users to switch between programs. This enhances user experience and streamlines the writing process.

  • Data Sharing and Insights: By partnering with communication platforms, Grammarly gains access to anonymized data about writing trends and common errors. This valuable data fuels product development, allowing Grammarly to tailor its features and suggestions to better address user needs.

Trust and Brand Association

  • Credibility by Association: Partnering with reputable institutions and platforms enhances Grammarly's credibility and brand image. Users associate the tool with trusted organizations, making them more likely to adopt and rely on it.

  • Industry Expertise: Collaborations with writing experts and platforms demonstrate Grammarly's commitment to quality and its alignment with industry standards. This fosters trust and positions Grammarly as a leader in the communication technology space.


  • Increased Brand Awareness: The combined reach of its partners expands Grammarly's visibility, bringing it to the attention of new user groups and solidifying its position as a prominent communication tool.

  • Enterprise Adoption: Partnerships with businesses open doors to wider corporate adoption, driving revenue and establishing Grammarly as a valuable asset for professional communication.

  • Data-Driven Product Development: Access to diverse user data through partnerships informs product development, ensuring Grammarly remains relevant and caters to the evolving needs of its user base.


Grammarly's success story is a testament to the power of innovation, user-centricity, and strategic partnerships. By leveraging AI, integrating seamlessly, and building an ecosystem, it has transformed the way people communicate, leaving a lasting impact on the digital landscape.

Key Takeaways for Product Managers

(Grammarly’s leveraging AI case study)

  • AI is not a replacement, but an augmentation: Grammarly leverages AI to empower users, not replace their expertise.

  • Frictionless integration matters: Making the tool invisible yet impactful increases adoption and value.

  • Ecosystem building fosters growth: Strategic partnerships open new doors and validate the product's worth.

It's not just about building a product; it's about building a better experience for everyone.

Aneesha S
Thank U GIF


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