Power BI: 100 Million MAU Key Strategies

Almost 20, and still successful as a product - learn strategies!

Top Takeaways for Product Managers

  • Empower Users, Not Just Experts: Prioritize user-friendliness and self-service functionalities. Your product should be accessible to users with varying technical backgrounds.

  • Embrace Flexibility and Integrations: Allow your product to connect with various data sources and integrate seamlessly with existing workflows.

  • Prioritize Cloud-Based Solutions and Mobile Access: Ensure scalability and accessibility by offering cloud-based solutions and mobile app functionality.

  • Commit to Continuous Innovation: The data landscape is ever-evolving. Regularly update your product with new features and stay ahead of the curve.

Source: Devenir Data Scientist

Hi there 👋!

We all have heard of Power BI in our life. And especially after getting into the product management space, you probably definitely came across it often.

I heard about Power BI first time around 10 years back when I was planning to learn some data analytics.

I remember how basic the interface and features used to be back then. It has come a long way now. It definitely has gained much more popularity today.

Let’s learn the reasons why!

Power BI’s Founding Story

The seeds of Power BI were sown within Microsoft's SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) team. In 2006, Thierry D'Hers and Amir Netz, two developers, envisioned a future where data analysis wasn't limited to IT specialists. They believed in empowering users to explore and understand data intuitively.

This initial concept was codenamed "Project Gemini" and focused on harnessing the power of SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services) and transforming it into an in-memory engine for faster data processing.

Project Gemini remained under wraps for several years. Then, in 2009, it underwent a crucial transformation.

Ron George, another developer, built a prototype app codenamed "Project Crescent" that allowed users to import and edit short video clips.

While this project seemingly strayed from data analysis, it laid the groundwork for a core aspect of Power BI - its user-friendly interface.

In 2010, Project Crescent's functionalities were integrated with Project Gemini, giving birth to "Power Pivot." This iteration was a free Excel add-in that revolutionized data exploration for Excel users.

Power Pivot allowed users to import data from various sources, create data models, and perform complex calculations within the familiar Excel environment.

Power Pivot gained significant traction within the Excel community. Recognizing its potential, Microsoft decided to further develop the concept as a standalone product.

In 2011, Power Pivot was bundled with a public download of SQL Server codenamed "Denali." This marked a shift towards a broader audience beyond just Excel users.

Source: [BI]an Smith - WordPress

Finally, in 2013, Microsoft unveiled Power BI for Office 365. This marked the official launch of Power BI as a comprehensive business intelligence platform. It wasn't just Power Pivot anymore. The platform encompassed three key components:

  • Power Query: A data acquisition and transformation tool.

  • Power Pivot: The data modeling engine for creating relationships and calculations.

  • Power View: A tool for creating interactive data visualizations.

Power BI’s Target Audience & Key Needs

Power BI caters to a wide range of users within the business intelligence (BI) sphere, but can be segmented into two primary audiences:

1. Business Users:

  • Primary Audience: This group forms the core user base of Power BI. It includes:

    • Business Analysts: They leverage Power BI to analyze data, identify trends, and create reports to support decision-making.

    • Product Managers: Product managers use Power BI to understand user behavior, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and optimize product features based on data insights.

    • Marketing Managers: Marketing professionals utilize Power BI to analyze campaign performance, measure customer engagement, and gain insights into target audiences.

    • Sales Managers: Power BI equips sales managers to track sales performance, identify sales trends, and forecast future sales based on data analysis.

  • Key Needs: Business users typically require user-friendly tools for data exploration, visualization, and basic report creation. They need to understand data intuitively without extensive technical expertise.

2. Data Professionals:

  • Secondary Audience: This group comprises users with a more technical background:

    • Data Analysts: Data analysts utilize Power BI for more complex tasks like data modeling, creating advanced visualizations, and building interactive dashboards.

    • Data Scientists: While data scientists might primarily use other tools for complex statistical analysis and machine learning, Power BI can be a valuable asset for data exploration and communicating insights to stakeholders.

    • BI Developers: Developers leverage Power BI to automate data pipelines, integrate with custom applications, and extend the platform's functionalities.

  • Key Needs: Data professionals require a powerful tool for in-depth data analysis, advanced data manipulation, and creating sophisticated data visualizations. They value features like data modeling, custom calculations, and robust data security.

Pain Points Touched by Power BI

Power BI addresses several key pain points and needs for its target audience across both business users and data professionals:

Business Users:

  • Limited Data Literacy: Many business users lack extensive data analysis experience. Power BI offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive visualizations that make data exploration and understanding accessible.

  • Data Silos and Fragmented Reporting: Information might be scattered across different systems, hindering a holistic view of business performance. Power BI allows users to connect to various data sources and create consolidated reports.

  • Slow and Inefficient Data Analysis: Traditional methods of data analysis can be time-consuming and cumbersome. Power BI streamlines the process with self-service analytics, enabling faster insights generation.

  • Difficulty Communicating Data Insights: Complicated spreadsheets and reports can be challenging to translate into actionable insights for stakeholders. Power BI offers interactive dashboards and visualizations for clear and compelling communication.

  • Limited Access to Data for Decision-Making: Business users might not have easy access to relevant data to make informed decisions. Power BI empowers them with self-service analytics, allowing them to explore data independently and answer their own questions.

Data Professionals:

  • Need for Advanced Data Modeling: Data professionals require tools for building complex data models that accurately reflect business relationships and hierarchies. Power BI offers robust data modeling capabilities.

  • Time-Consuming Data Preparation and Transformation: Data cleaning and manipulation can be a significant time investment. Power BI's data preparation tools streamline this process, allowing data professionals to focus on analysis.

  • Limited Collaboration on Data Insights: Sharing and collaborating on data insights can be challenging with traditional tools. Power BI fosters collaboration with cloud-based functionalities and interactive dashboards.

  • Difficulty Integrating Data from Multiple Sources: Data professionals might need to work with data from various sources. Power BI offers extensive data source connectivity, allowing them to consolidate information from different systems.

  • Demand for Secure and Scalable Data Management: Data security and scalability are crucial for organizations. Power BI offers features for secure data access and management, along with cloud-based scalability to handle large datasets.

Key Strategies for Success

Power BI's success can be attributed to several key strategies that cater to its target audience and address industry trends:

Focus on User-Friendliness and Self-Service Analytics

Source: Microsoft Learn

  • Intuitive Interface: Power BI prioritizes a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionalities and clear visualizations. This allows users with varying levels of technical expertise to explore data and create reports independently.

  • Self-Service Analytics: Empowering users to access and analyze data without relying on IT specialists is a core principle. This democratizes data analysis and fosters a data-driven culture within organizations.

Flexibility and Integration Capabilities

Source: Learn Microsoft

  • Data Source Connectivity: Power BI connects to a vast array of data sources, both on-premises and cloud-based. This flexibility allows users to consolidate data from various systems and gain a holistic view.

  • Third-Party Integrations: A thriving ecosystem of third-party tools and connectors extends Power BI's functionalities. Users can integrate Power BI with their existing business intelligence tools and workflows.

Cloud-Based Architecture and Scalability

Source: Learn Microsoft

  • Cloud Deployment: Power BI's cloud-based architecture enables scalability, allowing organizations to handle large datasets and growing user bases. Cloud deployment also facilitates collaboration and remote access to data insights.

  • Mobile Access: Power BI offers mobile apps for iOS and Android, allowing users to access reports and dashboards on the go. This ensures constant access to data and fosters informed decision-making anywhere, anytime.

Commitment to Innovation and Feature Development

Source: Learn Microsoft

  • Regular Updates and New Features: Microsoft consistently updates Power BI with new features and functionalities. This ongoing development ensures the platform stays current with industry trends and user needs.

  • Focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI): Power BI is incorporating AI capabilities like natural language processing and automated insights generation. This will further enhance user experience and streamline data analysis.

Community Building and Educational Resources

Source: The Power BI Community Show, YT

  • Active User Community: Microsoft fosters a large and active user community through forums, events, and online resources. This allows users to share best practices, troubleshoot issues, and learn from each other.

  • Comprehensive Documentation and Tutorials: Power BI offers extensive documentation, tutorials, and training resources. This empowers users of all skill levels to get started with the platform and unlock its full potential.


Power BI isn't just a data visualization tool; it's a game-changer. Born from a desire to empower users, Power BI transformed data analysis from an IT specialist's domain to an accessible practice for business users and data professionals alike.

Through its user-friendly interface, self-service analytics, and robust data connectivity, Power BI empowers users to:

  • Explore data intuitively: No coding required! Drag-and-drop functionalities and clear visualizations make data understandable.

  • Unify information: Consolidate data from various sources, shattering data silos and providing a holistic view.

  • Gain actionable insights: Create interactive dashboards and reports, fostering communication and data-driven decision-making.

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